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2022 Pacific Coast Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships

U.S. Qualifying - Synchronized Skating

When: Wed, Jan. 26, 2022 - Sun, Jan. 30, 2022

Where: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Participant Information

COVID-19 Protocol

All teams must familiarize themselves with the COVID-19 Protocol for 2022 SYS Qualifying Competitions (last updated Jan. 18, 2022). 

This protocol serves as a baseline for all SYS qualifying compettitions, however LOCs reserve the right to implement additional restrictions. Additional details will be posted here and emailed to all coaches and team managers associated with a team in their Members Only profile (not EMS) once available. Questions? Email events@usfigureskating.org.  

Team Check List

  1. Renew your team for the 2021-22 Season (starting July 1, 2021)
  2. Assure all skaters have met requirements for registration (starting July 1, 2021)
  3. Register for the 2022 Eastern Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships in EMS (Aug. 15 - Oct. 1)
  4. Complete steps for requesting housing through the LOC (Aug. 15 - Oct. 1)
  5. Purchase practice ice: deadline Dec. 10
  6. Place any pre-orders: deadline Dec. 10
  7. Pay for any applicable outstanding skater fees in Members Only. 
  8. Submit any substitutions to the competition roster no later than Wednesday, Jan. 12 via the Roster Change Request Form.

Pre-Orders & Program Ads

Pre-orders for pins, programs, and ticket sales are now available. Deadline for pre-orders is December 10. Single day and all event (Thursday - Saturday) options are available. Payment must be made via PayPal upon submission. Pre-orders are limited to teams only - no individual requests. Merchandise and tickets will be available on site at a higher cost. Click here for the pre-order form. 

Program ads may be purchased by following the link HERE

Venue and Travel Information


Wings Event Center
3600 Vanrick Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Facility website: CLICK HERE

Wings Event Center houses three NHL size ice sheets, The Arena, The Valley, and The Zoo. The facility opened in 1974 and is home to the Kalamazoo Wings, an ECHL ice hockey team. 

Housing Information

A request and place housing process through Discover Kalamazoo will be used for this event. Do NOT contact hotels directly, they will only redirect you to Discover Kalamazoo. To secure housing for this event, teams must follow the process outlined below.

Teams/organizations will be required to submit a form (which will be posted here and emailed to teams on Aug. 15 and will be due Oct. 1) outlining housing requirements and preferences. Teams will then be placed into hotels based on availability as well as each team's room night and budget requirements - specific hotel preferences will be taken into consideration but no placement is guaranteed. After the form deadline of Oct. 1, Discover Kalamazoo will organize all housing arrangements. Teams will be notified of their housing placement by Nov. 1 with additional information to finalize your booking. Any team that does NOT book their hotel with Discover Kalamazoo will bee assessed a $300 fee to be paid at the time of registration. 

  • Review the list of available housing options HERE
  • August 15- CLICK HERE to download the Housing Request Form (due Oct. 1). The housing request form will ask for information about your organization/team(s) desired check-in/out dates, budget, and hotel preferences (minimum top 5). 
  • October 1: deadline to submit housing request form
  • By November 1: teams notified of their housing placement and provided with additional information to finalize their booking

If you have any questions about visiting Kalamazoo, contact Brian Persky at bpersky@discoverkalamazoo.com. 


Practice Ice

Credit Sales: Nov. 15 - Dec. 10
Preference Form: after purchase - Dec. 10

  1. Login to the EMS Team Portal for the competition.
  2. Go to the Practice Ice section. Purchase credits (bottom left of screen) and complete payment in EMS. 
  3. If you purchase UPI, you must complete the practice ice preference form. Teams will be asked to submit time preferences and other information that will assist the LOC with scheduling your UPI. OPI will be scheduled by the Chief Referee per the competition schedule and start order. 

Unofficial Practice Ice (UPI): 15-minutes in length; $135/segment

Official Practice Ice (OPI): length dictated by the rulebook for team level/segment; $135/segment


Junior, senior, and collegiate competition will be available on Peacock Premium.

All other levels will be available free of charge on the U.S. Figure Skating Fan Zone.

Follow the live results HERE!


LOC - 2022midpacsectionals@greaterkzooskate.org

U.S. Figure Skating - events@usfigureskating.org