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Qualifying Competitions

There are four types of qualifying pipelines that lead to U.S. Championship events in singles, pairs, ice dance, synchronized, collegiate and adults.


Singles, Pairs & Ice Dance

Click HERE for information on the National Qualifying Series. 

Synchronized Skating Qualifying Structure

The synchronized skating qualifying structure consists of three sectional events that lead to the U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships. Teams may participate at the sectional championships in the juvenile, intermediate, novice, junior, senior, collegiate, adult, and masters levels eligible to advance to the U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships. 


  • Aug. 15: Registration opens for the qualifying season
  • Oct. 1: Registration closes for the qualifying season
  • Dec. 1: Deadline for additions to the competition roster
  • January: Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships
  • February: U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships

Adult Skating Qualifying Structure

The U.S. Figure Skating Adult Skating Program offers adults at the championship adult levels the chance to qualify for the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships.

A nonqualifying competition is held in conjunction with each adult sectional championship. Skaters who want to enter the nonqualifying portion of the adult sectional championships register directly with the Local Organizing Committee. Some adult sectional nonqualifying competitions include young adult events for those 18-20 years of age. Check the announcements for details. 

Nonqualifying events are also held annually at the U.S. Adult Championships. These nonqualifying events do not require qualification from the sectional championships

2022-23 Season Important Dates and Timeline

U.S. Collegiate Figure Skating Championships

The U.S. Collegiate Figure Skating Championships are a stand-alone qualifying event. Skaters who are enrolled as a full-time student in the fall semester of the competition year may compete. Skaters at the junior & senior levels are eligible to earn scholarships based on placement.


  • May 15: Registration opens for the U.S. Collegiate Championships
  • June 15: Deadline for registration and collegiate verification form
  • Late July/Early August: U.S. Collegiate Championships

Event Photo & Video

Visit to view video and photos from events covered by U.S. Figure Skating.

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For more information on Qualifying Competitions, please contact one of the U.S. Figure Skating representatives listed below.